Psalms Week 1

Audio from Senior Pastor Vaughn Drawdy on Sunday morning September 25, 2016.

Why are these Psalms so special?
They don’t really tell a story like the rest of the Bible, (Our God loves relating to us in story - 70% of the Bible is in narrative form.) but revealing the powerful emotions of those in the narrative, those in the story.
They touch us deeply in our emotions, in our need… they put words to our hope with praise and thanksgiving to God, They also put words to our feelings of hopelessness and fear.
They meet us in times of crisis and fill us with the testimony of those who have been where we are, feeling what we feel…and from those who find love and comfort in God. They touch our deep emotional need and fill us with life.

In your personal study:

This week, choose a Psalm from the first book (of the five divisions). Psalm 1-41
1.  Choose a Psalm each day this week, starting today. (From 1-41) - Don't forget to get a notebook and keep notes...
2.  Pray for fresh insight and knowledge.
3.  Read it, then re-read the chosen passage.
4.  Who is writing the Psalm?
5.  Can it be tied to a story? If so, read the story (Example: Psalm 3 is connected to 2 Sam.15 - Read about David and Absalom)
6.  What is the human condition (problem)? The deep emotional expression.
7,  What is the prayer or praise?
8.  How is God revealed?
9.  What is the underlying theme of the Psalm?
10. Can you identify with the problem or praise? If so, join in with the Psalmist in your own prayer or time of worship today.

Digging deep and using the Psalms in your daily life of worship and prayer is a worthwhile experience. And once you’ve read a few of them, you’ll see why so many Christians incorporate them into worship services, daily devotions, and personal prayer.